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The Counselor Salesperson Training
Kemper Office
8400 NW 36 street Suite320
Miami, fl 33166
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
Category: Education


To enhance your sales team's effectiveness and position your agency as a trusted advisor for clients' insurance needs, it is crucial to focus on better preparation. The Counselor Salesperson (CSP) approach empowers sales professionals to ask insightful questions that lead to value-added solutions, improving both closing rates and client retention.

LAAIA and NuVue are offering members the Counselor Salesperson program, which establishes foundational skills for selling. This program introduces a straightforward and easily understood approach that emphasizes a win-win strategy, focusing on problem-solving from the customer's perspective. The result is a consistent customer experience where salespeople guide the buying process according to each client's preferences. This is an opportunity to engage in world-class training at low cost.

The learning is delivered through a comprehensive plan:

  • A 1-day face-to-face workshop
  • A customized 9-week Learning Journey with online self-paced eLearning modules for follow-up, reinforcement, and application of CSP skills.
  • A concluding Best Practices online session where participants share their successes and challenges while applying CSP skills in real-world scenarios.

For more information:

NuVue: The Counselor Salesperson

Download CSP Fact Sheet